
Here are a few of my projects I have work on over the years. These projects are from work, classes, or personal hobby projects.

HEBI Robotics - Application Designer - Agile Inspection Robots - 2023

Python/Computer Vision - Robot Aimbot - 2022

For a personal project of mine, I made a physical robot that moved a mouse around to shoot targets on the screen. The robot moved using knowledge of where the targets were on the screen and then doing PID control to send a velocity command to the motors.

Software Tools

ROS/GAZEBO - Passive Walking Simulation - 2019

For my graduate research study I deployed a working simulation of a simple passive dynamic walking. Modeling rigid bodies and real world friction parameters.

Ballbot - Balancing Robot - 2019

Spring 2019 capstone project for 16-264 Humanoids Class at Carnegie Mellon University.

The projects was greatly inspired by Ballbot a humanoid size robot made in CMU’s Microdynamic Systems Laboratory. Instead of balancing on a ball with a 200mm (7.87 inches) diameter we built our robot to balance on a smaller ball with a 95mm (3.75 inches) diameter.

Robot Control


Mechanical Design
